
Sunday 24 January 2010

Designing - Architecture

These architectural concepts were created using Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk Maya. The image directly below shows a street scene in the city . . .

The bridge connecting the twin towers was inspired by the Petronas Towers, Malaysia . . .

This is only a very rough basis for the architecture that will feature within my Half-Life 2 level. At the moment it looks very inspired by Tokyo and Shanghai.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Designing - Interior Concept Art

Here is some Concept Art that I created for how one of the interior areas of my Half-Life 2 level should look . . .

Subtle, modern furnishings and green plants will give the interiors a fresh, airy feel.

Research - Modern Interiors

It is very important that I research interior design for my level as about 20-30% of the level will be inside buildings. The interior of the 'Burj Al Arab' (Dubai) is a stunning sight . . .

This image of the interior of the 'Burj Al Arab' has a certain 'wow' factor attatched to it. This is created by the symmetrical architecture and dynamic lighting. Another image of the interior of this hotel shows more of the wonderful patterned architectural layout . . .

Although this images effect is mostly to do with the angle from which it has been taken, it is easy to see the modern stylings mixed in with traditional arabian influences. Below is an image that I found via 'google images' by typing in 'futuristic office' . . .

The design of this table with seating and overhead lighting is very simplistic and very clean and white. I would like the interior furnishings of the office areas in my level to be minimalistic, yet purposeful and eye-catching.

Friday 22 January 2010

Designing - Level Plans

I like to think that I have a unique way of planning out my levels. First of all when I have the initial idea, I like to work it out in my head first and then go into a 3D software package (in this case I used Silo 2) and block out the whole level with minimal detail . . .

I then like to split the level up into seperate sections and dedicated one full page of graph paper dedicated to that level. I fill the page with floor plans, gameplay diagrams and sketches . . .

This helps me to pay more attention to detail and also makes the initial planning of the level a lot more manageable.

Research - Workflow

I have been researching into the level design workflow som that I am better prepared when it comes to building my Half-Life 2 single player level. I found some useful articles on

I found this article especially useful . . .

. . . and this article on how to increase your productivity was also very interesting . . .

It is important that I am efficient in planning my time to ensure that the level is not rushed.

Research - Lighting in Game Levels

Lighting is an undeniably important aspect of a game level. Lighting effects can make or break a level and can sometimes be the deciding factor between what makes highly memorable and what makes it 'just another level'. I particularly like the ambience of the lighting in this screenshot from an Unreal Tournament 3 map (shown below) . . .

The lighting from the sun makes the scene look a lot more believable and the blue lights add character. Lighting can also be used to create dynamic, life-like shadow effects such as the details seen in this screenshot of Grand Theft Auto IV (shown below) . . .

Lighting can add as much to the overall mood of a level as colour can. In my level it is vitally important that I get the lighting levels spot on.

Research - Las Vegas Lights

Las Vegas is probably the first place that comes to mind for finding reference pictures of bright, colourful lights . . .

The Las Vegas strip at night-time has become one of the world's most iconic settings. When researching for ideas for my game level, pictures of Las Vegas are valuable for lighting reference. The variation of colours is dazzling to the eye . . .

As my Half-Life 2 level is entitled 'Light Pollution', there will be a lot of dramatic lighting effects that will light up the city on a summer's night.

Research - Architecture in the Emirates

As I am creating a city it is very important that I research into architectural styles. The style of architecture that is happening in United Arab Emirates right now is very futuristic looking. I have been studying this book by Philip Jodidio for some design inspirations . . .

One of the most striking pieces of architecture in Dubai is the Burj Al Arab (shown on the book's front cover). It is the world's most expensive hotel and it is shaped to represent the sail of a traditional arabian vessel.

The Burj Dubai (shown below) is currently the tallest building in the world . . .

It is truly a giant among the rest of the skyline. I plan for my game level to have many tall structures on the horizon.

Abu Dhabi also has some amazingly innovative architecture, such as this highly futuristic performing arts centre (shown below) by architect Zaha Hadid.

A building like this would be very hard to model for a game level so it would be better to include a design like this as a 2D skybox model.

Doha, Quatar (shown below) also contains some very interesting architecture . . .

The United Arab Emirates offers a wide source of inspiration for designing my own unique architectural innovations that will feature within my Half-Life 2 level.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Research - Colour Theory

Colour theory is a very important aspect of level design. The choice of the colour palette is a choice that can greatly affect the mood and overall feel of a game level. Below is a standard colour wheel showing primary, secondary and tertiary colours . . .

The colour wheel is set up so that opposing colours are complimentary to each other. Colours, when used harshly, can indicate extreme temperatures.

In the screenshot of FarCry (CryTek), the colour palette is very vibrant and fresh. It contains a lot of greens, blues and yellows to portray the beauty of the secluded pacific island . . .

Compare this to a screenshot from Gears of War (Epic Games) . . .

The colour palette empahasises a lot of greys for a very different feel. Both games have, in my opinion, colour palettes used to great effect to portray the overall moods and emotions within their levels. This is something that I should regard highly when creating my custom Half-Life 2 level.