
Friday 22 January 2010

Research - Architecture in the Emirates

As I am creating a city it is very important that I research into architectural styles. The style of architecture that is happening in United Arab Emirates right now is very futuristic looking. I have been studying this book by Philip Jodidio for some design inspirations . . .

One of the most striking pieces of architecture in Dubai is the Burj Al Arab (shown on the book's front cover). It is the world's most expensive hotel and it is shaped to represent the sail of a traditional arabian vessel.

The Burj Dubai (shown below) is currently the tallest building in the world . . .

It is truly a giant among the rest of the skyline. I plan for my game level to have many tall structures on the horizon.

Abu Dhabi also has some amazingly innovative architecture, such as this highly futuristic performing arts centre (shown below) by architect Zaha Hadid.

A building like this would be very hard to model for a game level so it would be better to include a design like this as a 2D skybox model.

Doha, Quatar (shown below) also contains some very interesting architecture . . .

The United Arab Emirates offers a wide source of inspiration for designing my own unique architectural innovations that will feature within my Half-Life 2 level.

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