
Saturday 23 January 2010

Research - Modern Interiors

It is very important that I research interior design for my level as about 20-30% of the level will be inside buildings. The interior of the 'Burj Al Arab' (Dubai) is a stunning sight . . .

This image of the interior of the 'Burj Al Arab' has a certain 'wow' factor attatched to it. This is created by the symmetrical architecture and dynamic lighting. Another image of the interior of this hotel shows more of the wonderful patterned architectural layout . . .

Although this images effect is mostly to do with the angle from which it has been taken, it is easy to see the modern stylings mixed in with traditional arabian influences. Below is an image that I found via 'google images' by typing in 'futuristic office' . . .

The design of this table with seating and overhead lighting is very simplistic and very clean and white. I would like the interior furnishings of the office areas in my level to be minimalistic, yet purposeful and eye-catching.

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